Black sapphire value
Black sapphire value

black sapphire value

Sapphire Valuation Report #93020 (2.07ct, color: 107 - medium bluish Green very slightly greyish (heated)).Sapphire Valuation Report #133078 (8.00ct, color: 155 - medium dark Blue very slightly greyish (heated)).Sapphire Valuation Report #133080 (8.05ct, color: 155 - medium dark Blue very slightly greyish (heated)).Sapphire Valuation Report #95988 (0.97ct, color: 075 - medium light slightly yellowish Green very slightly greyish (unheated)).Sapphire Valuation Report #128268 (9.80ct, color: 148 - medium light Blue strong (heated)).Sapphire Valuation Report #95999 (12.82ct, color: 155 - medium dark Blue very slightly greyish (unheated)).Sapphire Valuation Report #85012 (3.07ct, color: 034 - medium Orange strong (heated)).Gemval valuation reports created by our customers using Online Appraisal Tool Other producers of sapphire are Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Tanzania, Australia, and others. Kashmir sapphire is very rare, and this part of India and Pakistan produces much less sapphire than before. Sapphire's price can be very high, and especially that of Kashmir sapphire, which display a fine silk, giving them a velvety look. With the help of our sapphire value chart you'd be able to estimate the price of the gemstones you own, based on the different nuances and variations in color, as well as on their clarity and carat weight. The most expensive sapphire exemplars display a deep blue color that is very rich and saturated.

black sapphire value

Saturation and hue both play an important role. One of the most important factors when estimating sapphire's value is color. It's used both as a standalone gemstone, or as a centerpiece in combination with other gems, or can also have a secondary role, when combined, for example, with diamonds. Sapphire is widely used in jewelry, due to its durability and hardness (9 on Mohs scale). Those varieties are also considered sapphires, and are sometimes called "fancy sapphires". In fact, gem-quality corundum can occur in many different colors, such as orange, pink, green, purple, and others. Another famous variety of corundum is ruby. Sapphire is the blue variety of the mineral corundum, and is the most popular blue gemstone.

Black sapphire value